Penelope Karambotsou

She worked for 7 years at the Alimos Prevention Centre, implementing primary prevention programmes (parent awareness seminars, art workshop for teenagers, primary education children's groups and groups of elderly people). She has been trained in systems approach and adolescent education at the Athens Centre for the Study of Man (A.C.M.A.). From 2001 to 2004 she was involved in the organization of children's events. Puppet theatre entered her life in 2003, and a year later she created the group ''On stage'', giving performances with handmade puppets and props in schools, kindergartens, libraries, children's parties (until 2009).

She has attended the annual seminar of theatrical play at the "Theatre of the Day" (Lakis Kouretzis) and at the same time seminars in glove puppet making and animation, cloth puppet, wood-carved puppet, theatrical puppet, puppet theatre correspondence, shadow puppet theatre as an educational tool, theatrical writing (at MAIRIVI, with T. Sarris, S. Markopoulos, E. Heiladakis, Ricardo Di Lauro, Joel Lopineau, in the shadow theatre company ATHANASIOU, in EVPALINOS.

From 2005 to date, she teaches "Puppet Theatre-Shadow Theatre" and "Technical" in the specialty "Nursery Assistant" of IIEK AKMI. She is a founding member of the group "Seed of Art".
