Staying true to the open school approach, we have created an environment without doors and we all work together as one big family. The children move around the space according to their needs and choose the space and play they want to experiment-act. Every day, work plans are created together with the children and our activities are shaped accordingly.
On the first floor, 120sqm, is the main classroom which hosts the puppet corner, the masquerade corner, the sensory corner, the symbolic play corners, the interactive board, our library and the studio for the art-technical workshops. The centre of the classroom is dominated by the "meeting point" for the daily planning of activities. In addition, there is the kitchen with the counter for the cooking and baking workshops, the music and movement room, the experiment and discovery room and the children's toilets.
On the 90sqm ground floor, there are additional workshops, utility rooms, children's toilets and adult toilets. In the sensory laboratory, children are given the opportunity to continuously cultivate their senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell). Through a variety of materials and activities as well as games that are born from the spontaneity of the children, their imagination and creativity develop, they share, cooperate, exchange ideas, become more skilled in movement and delicate manipulations, learn and better understand time, space and rhythm and are trained in emotional and social skills.
The colour laboratory is the physical space where children's ideas and feelings take shape through creative activities. Playing with the materials and techniques of the visual arts, experimentation and exploration of the man-made and natural environment, allow them to freely compose their thoughts about the world and their place in it. Art is the medium that transforms learning into an active process. A pedagogical practice directly interwoven with children's interests, where the emphasis is on the learning process rather than the outcome.
The schoolyard offers children the opportunity to create and tend their own vegetable garden, play in the sandpit, experiment in the water corner, "hide" in the garden house, improvise with natural materials and play movement games!